Some time ago I wrote a post on the elite board of my persuasion forum and forgot about it. But recently I had to upgrade the forum because it stopped working and as I did so, I browsed through old threads and found this one that I thought was powerful and still holds true today.
So I decided to share it with you here on the covert hypnosis blog. It’s about some revelations I had during the course of learning covert hypnosis and they can help you with your persuasion training as well as in your life in general.

It’s All You (When You Think About It)
YOU and only you are responsible for what’s going on in your life. With a very small exception of “higher force intervention”, you are responsible for all your relationships and all your actions. It’s all you and no one else. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you’ll lead a rich, fulfilling and happy life.
Being “at CAUSE” of your life is one of the best things that can happen to you. Most people are “at effect” of their life. They blame everybody else for “what’s happening to them”.
The PRESENT YOU is the result of your past decisions, actions and experiences. The FUTURE YOU will be the result of your past decisions, actions and experiences, which includes those decisions, actions and experiences you’ll do and have from this moment forward.
“YOU” is a very fluid concept. Remember this because it also holds true for everybody else. You think you know yourself but you don’t. I don’t know myself the way I think I do. Never think “I’d never do that” because you don’t know that. It’s all context-dependent. Never believe anyone that says he/she would never do something. They have no idea. But you don’t either.
Your FEELINGS and EMOTIONS are the motivating force of your
…but they are sometimes extremely rigid and they were around way before conscious thought and logical decision-making. They are meant to keep you alive and they are still responsible for almost every decision you make.
This also goes for the vast majority of other people. It also holds true for me. It’s important to realize that this is going on. It doesn’t mean you have to become a robot. You couldn’t, even if you tried. The important part is to realize this and sometimes, when appropriate, re-evaluate some decisions consciously and logically.
People make initial judgments about you almost instantly
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These judgments form a “filter” through which they view you and all your actions will be tailored in their mind to fit their view on you!
First impressions are extremely important. However, not all is lost if you make a bad first impression. You’ll just have to do some work to change it but why give yourself extra work if you can simply create a great first impression and then work on other more important things?!
PERSISTENCE is key to success in life
This doesn’t mean always doing the same thing that doesn’t work over and over. This means that if you have a goal and are persistent enough, and
learn from the experiences, eventually, by law, you will reach it.
People innately LOVE persistent people. They also love to associate with persistent people because they know internally that they are with winners!
Some people have talent for some things, some have talent for other things. But just because you don’t have talent for something it doesn’t mean you can’t learn it. It just means you’ll have to put more time and effort into it. Brain is a learning machine… If it can’t do something, it’s it can’t NOT learn!
Social interactions are DYNAMIC
Social interactions are DYNAMIC. Whatever you do and say will affect your listener(s) and vice versa. By gaining control over your reactions and by learning how to get certain reactions from people, you gain control over the
interaction and can predictably lead it towards a desired outcome.
The same person can get completely different reactions from another person simply by changing the way he or she looks at the world. These initial reactions will then influence further reactions and so on until a certain balance is reached. Within this balance there’s still a dynamic, however certain boundaries (=beliefs!) have been established and these now govern the “physics” of this interaction.
Again, these boundaries can be rearranged if necessary, but it takes more effort than to initially set them correctly (see also “first impressions”).